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penal sum中文是什么意思

用"penal sum"造句"penal sum"怎么读"penal sum" in a sentence


  • 罚金, 罚金总额
  • 罚款总额
  • 违约罚金


  • At ages of emphasizing the time of completion of work , successful management of design item can provide the service for customer on time , and promote the reputation on the market , but not only several percent of penal sum or reward
  • This part introduces the definition , the legal features and the history of punitive damage system , as well as the differences between it and other related legal terms , such as the differences between it and compensatory damage , the differences between it and penal sum as well as amerce , and also the differences between it and spiritual damage
  • If any principal of contractor temporarily leave construction worksite due to special status , he or she shall be agreed in written by client or arrange another principal to instruct on worksite , otherwise one day delayed , contractor will bear the penal sum of 1 / 10000 of total project price for breaking the contract
用"penal sum"造句  
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